Community Forest

Our work on the frontline of conservation in more than 100 countries has shown us that sustainability needs to be a joint priority and protecting the world's valuable natural resources requires participation and action from diverse actors and entities. These include indigenous communities who are important stewards of the environment as well as companies who, given the scale and scope of their impact and activities, can be key drivers for change.

Recognized globally as a credible tool to promote best forest management practices, WWF’s efforts in sustainable forest management include promoting FSC certification to improve environmental and social performance.

WWF provides support for the adoption of national standards for FSC certification in Cameroon, helping to increase FSC certified forest from 1.03 million ha to 2 million ha. In addition, we are working toward promoting Less Known Timber Species (LKTS) and building the capacity of local civil society organizations to contribute to Local Consultation Frameworks for supporting and promoting certification processes.

At present, Cameroon has a total of about 300 community forests (990.000 ha) attributed to communities and more than 200 demands for community forests (about 600.000 ha). This clearly demonstrates the enthusiasm of local communities to participate in the management of forest resources and to benefit from these resources.

Since 2003, WWF Cameroon has supported the acquisition and management of more than 60 community forests, mainly in the periphery of protected areas. Through this sub-strategy, WWF will continue to support community forests to operate in compliance with the legal requirements, especially with current Voluntary Partnership Agreement/Forestry Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade process.

With the current emergency of VPA/FLEGT, it will be important to support medium-size companies to operate according to the VPA/FLEGT requirements in order for them not only to apply legal practices but also to continue accessing the EU market critical for local employment and livelihoods.
© Norbert Sonne/WWF
A community forest mill in activity
© Norbert Sonne/WWF
© Norbert Sonne/WWF
Communities enjoy portable water thanks to effective community forest management
© Norbert Sonne/WWF
© Norbert Sonne/WWF
Forest for life, safe habitat for wildlife
© Norbert Sonne/WWF