Sustainable Wildlife Management

elephants Nki NP
Cameroon is home to some of the most diverse and abundant wildlife species in Central Africa, with more than 297 mammals (8 endemics), including important populations of iconic species such as the Elephant, Great Apes, the Lions, the Giant Eland and Bongo antelope.
Wildlife surveys carried out in 2015 in some WWF priority landscapes (TNS, TRIDOM, Campo Ma’an), with an average 45 per cent of the surface areas surveyed estimated elephant populations at around 6,410 [5,006 – 8,209] individuals and those of Great Apes at about 39,888 [32,824 – 48,222] individuals. However, threats to the country’s wildlife continue to be a challenge.
In the last ten years, while the population of Great Apes has remained relatively stable, elephant numbers have declined considerably by up to 60 percent.
An assessment of human pressure demonstrates low intensity in protected areas (PAs) compared to the peripheral zones. Therefore, PAs remain important wildlife sanctuaries and, thus, effective management of these areas is vital for wildlife, ecosystems and people that depend on these areas to thrive.
WWF Cameroon is helping to address the direct threats to Cameroon’s wildlife by tackling the key drivers, for instance by strengthening law enforcement and policies, providing solutions to human-wildlife conflict (HWC) and building strong collaborative management models with communities to ensure healthy populations of flagship species.
Wildlife surveys carried out in 2015 in some WWF priority landscapes (TNS, TRIDOM, Campo Ma’an), with an average 45 per cent of the surface areas surveyed estimated elephant populations at around 6,410 [5,006 – 8,209] individuals and those of Great Apes at about 39,888 [32,824 – 48,222] individuals. However, threats to the country’s wildlife continue to be a challenge.
In the last ten years, while the population of Great Apes has remained relatively stable, elephant numbers have declined considerably by up to 60 percent.
An assessment of human pressure demonstrates low intensity in protected areas (PAs) compared to the peripheral zones. Therefore, PAs remain important wildlife sanctuaries and, thus, effective management of these areas is vital for wildlife, ecosystems and people that depend on these areas to thrive.
WWF Cameroon is helping to address the direct threats to Cameroon’s wildlife by tackling the key drivers, for instance by strengthening law enforcement and policies, providing solutions to human-wildlife conflict (HWC) and building strong collaborative management models with communities to ensure healthy populations of flagship species.