Coastal Forests (SAWA) Programme


Located in the southwest coast of Cameroon, the coastal forests programme area falls north of River Sanaga and expands to the Cross River stretching to the Bakassi peninsula. 
With Head Office in Limbe, the programme cuts across South West and Littoral Regions
and provides technical and administrative support to the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife at the regional level and at the levels of the Bakossi, Korup and Mount Cameroon National Parks and the Banyang-Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary. The programme also promotes promising models of sustainable natural resource management to influence policies through effective civil society, youth and indigenous people action.

Programme Vision

The globally important coastal forest ecosystems of Cameroon are ecologically functional, key flagship species population are thriving and contribute to the local and national economy, and the ecosystems contribute to global climate stability.

Mt Cameroon National Park

Elephant captured on Camera trap in the Mt Cameroon National Park 
© PSMNTSWR camera trap

Biodiversity Importance

  • Rich plant species diversity, most of which are endemic, such as Coffea monteKupeensis & Ancistrocladus korupensis;
  • Critically endangered primates, such as the Drill; 
  • Chimpanzee;
  • Elephants;
  • A rich avifauna;
  • Many reptiles; 
  • Mangroves;
  • Cameroon montane birds.

Korup National Park

Mana bridge at entrance to the Korup National Park 
© Janet Mukoko/WWF

Key threats/issues

  • Poaching & unsustainable bush meat hunting;
  • Growth of extractive & agro-industries;  
  • Large forest clearance & shifting cultivation;
  • Unsustainable exploitation of timber and non-timber forest products;
  • Climate change risk;
  • Poverty and threatened livelihoods.

Bakossi National Park

Lake Edip/Bakossi National Park 

Thematic focus

  • Support protected Area establishment & management;
  • Conservation-based livelihoods; 
  • Education for sustainable development;
  • Flagship Species Conservation;
  • Ecosystem services  (REDD+);
  • Business and industries;
  • Youth empowerment.

Banyang-Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary

Eco guards on routine patrol in the Banyang-Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary 
© MINFOF/Banyang Mbo

Leading the Change Project

The Leading the Change: Civil Society, Rights and Environment project is a 5-year project (2018-2022) implemented by WWF Cameroon, with financial support from WWF Sweden and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The project seeks to address a major constraint to building a sustainable relationship between humans and nature – poverty. It is a sequel to the 4-year project (2014-2017) on civil society capacity development that ended in 2017.

The project delivers on capacity development of civil society organizations (NGOs, CBOs and their coalitions), including youth and indigenous people groups - strengthening their technical and institutional capacity to fully assume their role of stewards of nature and voices of change. Through this, the project contributes to the following critical contributions of the WWF Cameroon Strategic Plan (2015-2020):
  • National Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have increased their capacity to influence government policies and provide support services to local communities for the recognition of human and traditional rights, the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources and to enhance related benefits; 
  • ESD principles have been integrated in school curricula and are implemented in at least two priority landscapes
© Janet Mukoko/WWF
© Janet Mukoko/WWF
Government primary school Nsoung -First ESD pilot school in Cameroon to attain the status of a model school
© Janet Mukoko/WWF